Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Holden's relationships with girls

Holden has complex relationsips with girls and this becomes very clear in his relationships with Sally and Jane. He has dated girls in the past but has never had a real longterm relationship, because he thinks that most girls are phoney and then he can't really feel attraction.

Jane is younger than Holden and he feels that in some way he has to protect her. He sees her as very pure and inocent. We think he's in love with Jane due to the way he talks about her in the novel, especially in the part when he finds out that Stradlater is going on a date with her. His affection for Jane is continuing troughout the novel but he never manage to call her as he want to, so she is stuck in his past.
Sally on the other hand is someone who can satisfy his shallow needs, but she never reach to his heart the way Jane does. We think that the reason that he's not respecting her is because she's too available. She can't give him anything on an intelectual plan. She's not pure like the image of Jane that he has in his mind.

We think that the reason that Holden can't have a real relationship is that he has ho high ideals and as soon as he finds out something that he does not like about a girl he backs out. This shows that he is unpatient but also very unsecure.

By Sara, Harriet and Emma

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