Friday, April 4, 2008

Holden and girls

Holden, the main character in the book, has got a quite uncommon view on love and relationship. He thinks that love and sex should always go together, a rather unusual opinion from a teenage boy.
One time he gets into a fight with his roommate Stradlater because of this fact. Stradlater is the type of guy who dates a girl just to have sex with her. When Holden finds out he is going out with his old childhood friend Jane, he cant hold his emotions inside and punshes Stradlater.
Another example of Holdens view on love is when he gets a prostitute up to his room. Instead of doing what most boys would do, sleep with the prostitute, he wants to talk to her and build up a healthy relationship. This doesnt interest Sunny, the prostitute, and she leaves him alone in his hotelroom.
This clearly showes that Holdens view on love and relationships is more mature and grown-up than most other guys in his age.

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